Fine Binding
Stationery Binding
Artists Books
And everything in between.
Our Goals
Share Knowledge
The INWBAS is committed to broadening the area's understanding of and appreciation for book arts through gatherings, workshops and exhibitions.
Provide Opportunities
Members of INWBAS can participate in group exchanges, networking, and exhibitions.
Build A Community
All levels of book maker are welcome to join. From hobbyist to professional, from book sculptor to fine binder,
your participation is invaluable.
So what is this?
Love playing with paper? Bonkers about binding books? Have an affinity for the book as a piece of art and want the world to know how cool it is? Then the Inland Northwest Book Arts Society is for you. INWBAS is a group of individuals along the entire spectrum of book arts enthusiasts who gather monthly to share ideas, learn from each other, and promote the book arts in the greater Spokane area.
INWBAS was begun in 2022 by two local book binders in Spokane, WA who wanted to meet more book arts enthusiasts in the area and get more people interested in the art and craft of making books.